Sunday, March 05, 2006


Lakeview is a white upper middle class area of New Orleans. It was home to professionals such as doctors, lawyers, businessmen. There is some rebuilding here but many folks are just waiting to see what happens.

The place where the levee broke at the 17th St Canal...

"Broken Dreams"

"Beware Attack Snakes"

I had to go to the bathroom. I couldn't find any gas stations or stores open in Lakeview so I could either drive all the way back to where I was staying or use one of the City of New Orleans port a potties placed through out the area. I did use it.

They had a FEMA trailer. I didn't see many in Lakeview.

Weird sight.......A car off of Canal Blvd with books alongside on the ground and a wine rack and a book by Natan Sharansky just sitting on top.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, did it have toilet paper? When ya gotta go ya gotta go.

10:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No TP. It wasn't the worst port a pot I've seen but perhaps in the top 5.

5:39 PM  

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